Tuesday, February 8, 2011

what am I doing

I'm sat in the fox club playing poker in a thirty pounds competition. I'm absolutely knackered as I started work at 5am and woke up at about half three, i'm sleep deprived and a little delerious, this is not helping my poker, I started with 5000 chips, I now have about 3000, I might go all on the next hand (i didn't, I had K8) next plan is get a brew and a fag and not play a hand, that sounds better.

I'm listening to the final countdown, great synths, I remember when Blackburn used to make their entrance to this song in out halcyon days, got a feeling that wasn't spelt right as my phone didn't know the word.

Ordered my brew, hopefully it'll arrive soon as I need caffeine, there seems to be lots of chips in the pot, the man next to me won them with a pair of jacks, fuck I'm tired.

Work is hard, everyone seems to want something from me and I barely have time to think, just lost another 400 chips, what happened to not playing another hand, dickhead.

Breaktime, I've got a horrid strong cup of coffee with 3 sugars in, got 2300 chips, might go all in soon, i'm shit at poker when I'm tired, might as well have given thirty notes to a tramp.

Gloria estefan is on now, did she get hit by a motorboat?

Why do I not raise when I have a good hand, what's wrong with me?

They've moved me to another table, maybe my luck'll change, at least I don't have to pay my blinds for a while, had a great cup of hot chocolate

So....... it's now about 2 hours after I got knocked out of the poker which was about 5 minutes after I wrote the last comment. After I got knocked out I stupidly thought it'd be a good idea to put the twenty quid in my pocket into the fruit machine, that twenty lead to another and another until I'd put an embarrassingly large amount in, I won't say how much, a lot.

Anyway was about to go home when I won a bit, then a bit more, then a lot more till I was about 200 quid up, happy days but I still feel a bit foolish.

So I thought I'd take myself off somewhere to eat, i'm in koya in soho where they apparently do amazing noodles.

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